I took the one less travelled by... and that has made all the difference.
Wife, Mother, Soap Mogul
Remember to turn your thanks above this week.
photo taken outside the studio last week!
Read more...We will be at Vulturefest this weekend!
Here is a tidbit taken from the Vulture Society website:
"The Artist's community in the small village of Makanda is blessed every fall with hundreds of black and turkey vultures. Home to Giant City State Park, Makanda has an abundance of large trees and cliffs, appealing to the vulture families. The Turkey Vulture (Cathartes aura) is extremely beneficial to our ecosystem. Being scavengers, who don't kill their prey, vultures play a vital roll in the food web. Vultures eat carrion (dead flesh), like road kill and dead animals. Because they have such a unique digestive system, they can eat diseased and infected carcasses and there is no trace of bacteria in their droppings. Up close the turkey vulture is certainly one of the most unattractive creatures, but in flight they have the grace and beauty of eagles. Turkey Vultures have lived in the trees and cliffs of Makanda since the last ice age. They rear their young in the cliffs during Summer and return to the trees in the fall. The artists of Makanda in the Valley of the Arts wanted to have a fall festival much like the one they have in the Spring and with the number of vultures flocking to the valley, the theme for Vulture Fest was hatched. What better reason to have a FREE fest."
rusty razorblade with park in background
Tonight is the first international Earth Hour. It was held last year in Sydney AU and gained a lot of press from it. I hope everyone can do their part and turn their lights out from 8-9pm local time. For more info go to http://www4.earthhourus.org/
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