Ayla laughs and vulturefest
Last night Ayla laughed!! She has made noises that sound similar to laughing for a while (ever since she could smile- 5weeks-) but last night she really really laughed. Of course it was at Gabe who was running out of the bathroom having flushed the toilet just for fun. I was holding Ayla and he ran out and looked up at me and did his little "I did something I wasn't supposed to and it's funny" hiss. She found this hilarious and was rocking with laughter. She turned 2 months on the 22nd.
Vulturefest was a success. It was rather warm and on sunday it was tooo windy. The lip balms were a huge success again this year, I had to go home and make more on saturday night. We were so tired, DH locked the keys in the car and we had to call a locksmith! The kids were really well behaved too. I really want to be more prepared for Autumnfest. I have three weeks and I hope I have everything done the week before!